New Moon Ritual

New Moon in Aquarius © Gabrielle Abbott 2017

Lunar Eclipse, Watercolor and mixed media on paper © Gabrielle Abbott 2017


Working with Moon wisdom is one way I've supported myself emotionally over the past 10 years of building a business.

Being an entrepreneur includes doing the self-care and mindset work required for professional success. This simple journaling ritual can be repeated every month to help you stay in touch with the moon's energy. In addition to this new moon ritual, I also have a full moon ritual which you can read about here.


Step 1. Calm your mind and create a relaxing atmosphere.

  • Empty your studio trash bin, sage the room, and wipe away any dust. Remember that cleaning is an energetic and physical act.

  • Try lighting candles or anointing yourself with aromatherapy oil. 

Step 2. Journaling Ritual

I prefer silence, so I can hear myself think, but you might enjoy putting on some soft music. Get snuggled up with your journal and answer the following prompts:

  1. What did I let go of during the last moon cycle? What did I complete or put an end to? What worked? What am I carrying forward? Write at least one page.

  2. In what ways can I bring extra restoration into my life right during this new moon period? Perhaps an afternoon nap, bath, or a social media fast? A nature walk is ALWAYS a good idea. Write at least one page.

  3. What seeds am I planting this cycle? What are some specific goals or projects I can commit to? What would it look like if I were to harness the waxing energy of this moon? Write at least one page.

Once you've finished journaling, close your eyes. Visualize what you hope to grow with as much specificity and detail as possible. 

Thank the moon for lending her energy to help us, and say "Amen" in the way that makes sense to you. 

Reread your entry a few weeks later during your full moon journaling ritual, and celebrate your growth!