A Pre- New Years Ritual to Cleanse Your Energy


Cleanse your energy field and lay the fertile ground for your New Year Eve intentions.

This simple ritual can be done alone in the mornings leading up to the New Year.

The liminal space between Solstice and New Years is one of my most most favorite times. It feels holy, and I always experience a strong connection to God (or Spirit, Oneness, Energy, or insert word of choice here).

This energy practice will help you prepare for your New Years Eve goal setting, while also grounding you in the energy of stillness that is so important right now.

A energetic practice for this time:

All of us have big goals and dreams for 2022, and in a few weeks many of us will start taking big actions towards them. Right now, it's crucial that you fully recharge and connect to Source energy before diving headlong into the momentum of the new year.

You might be tempted to use the days of holiday to “catch-up,” “get ahead” or “squeeze” some extra work in. I encourage you to resist that temptation if at all possible.

Instead, I invite you to slow the activity and ask yourself these questions:

  • What if I already had reached every one of my goals for 2022?

  • What if all the things I want had already come to me?

  • If all this were true, how would I act, think, feel?

  • If I were that person (my higher self), how would I spend these last few days of sacred, seasonal stillness?

  • What does the energy of “who I want to be” look, feel and act like?

Once you've gotten clear on this, soak in that energy for the next few days with the following Reiki practice:

  1. While still in bed, close your eyes and place your hands on your heart. Imagine that you already have it all, whatever “it” is. Stay that way until you can really feel this sensation in your body. You'll know it’s happened because you'll usually have some sort of nervous system release, such as a deep sigh, muscle relaxation, or a sense of calm will wash over you.

  2. Rest that way for a few minutes, and make a promise to yourself to stay in this energy all day long.

  3. Then, with your eyes still closed, feel the energy of universal love coming through your hands into your heart. Imagine the energy streaming into your chest, and focus on that sensation unit you think your chest is totally full of love energy. Then imagine that energy overflowing into the rest of your body until it spills into every nook and cranny of your being. Become a giant body of loving energy, and notice any physical sensations or thoughts that come up.

  4. Take a few deep breaths, (emphasizing the exhales) and end the practice.

If you have a New Years intention setting practice, then doing this practice will create very fertile ground for whatever intentions you make. Don't worry about taking any actions just yet, instead use the next few days to continue rejoicing, recharging, and trusting that when the New Year comes you will reach all your goals.

The practice of just “being” who you really want to be, will strengthen your will power, morale and inner trust.

When you set your intentions in the next few days, you will feel stronger belief in your ability to reach them, and less anxiety about failure. Also, when the “wheels” of work and routine grind back into spin next week, you will be energetically rooted in the right place.

Finally, I leave you with the loving reminder that you are perfect exactly as you are, where you are. Remember that every intention for growth and expansion in the New Year is just another chance to play with the energies of life joyfully. Approach your goals from that mindset, and you can never fail.

Happy Holidays!